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Easy RSync

Produtividade Utilitários

Easy RSync is a simple tool that runs a speedy file sync by simultaneously running backups of all sub-folders under a main folder. It is most effective synchronizing a few targeted folders, not as an overall backup/archival tool. It is also a great way to learn how to use the powerful UNIX rsync tool.

- Knowledge of UNIX rsync not required for basic users
- Clear help to demystify file synchronization
- Newer files are copied in both directions for full synchronization
- Able to save folder locations for the next sync run
- Easy to start, just read Help from top through the Best Practices section
- You can do a dry run to compare file changes before you sync

- No data collection and no Internet connectivity is required or recommended
- Backups are only allowed after user permission on folder (Fully Sandboxed App)
- Uses the macOS file system on your local network or external hard drive

Some Limitations:
- Doesnt sync to external servers outside of local network
- No auto scheduled backups
- No notification when a long running sync is done
- Best if opened and closed for each sync
- Logs are raw output from rsync command, not transfered to a grid
- Best for running quick small jobs